Ozick, Cynthia2021-06-042021-06-042021-04-01https://www.nytimes.com/2021/04/01/books/review/philip-roth-the-biography-blake-bailey.html?smid=url-shareA review by Cynthia Ozick of Blake Bailey's biography of Philip Roth entitled "Philip Roth: The Biography." Click on the link above to read the review. Bailey's biography has since become mired in controversy over accusations of sexual harassment against Bailey. In the wake of these controversies, there has been concern about Roth's legacy, since access to Roth's papers are tightly controlled by his estate. To read an article discussing these issues, click on the link below.enLiteratureRoth, PhilipUnited StatesCynthia Ozick Calls the New Philip Roth Biography a ‘Narrative Masterwork’Article