Burkeman, Robert2020-03-282020-03-282015-10-23https://www.theguardian.com/books/2015/oct/23/the-power-broker-robert-moses-and-the-fall-of-new-york-robert-caro-reviewIn his review of the "Power Broker" by Robert Caro, Oliver Burkeman details the enormous influence that Robert Moses had on New York City and the surrounding area as well as the ways Robert Moses' work continues to affect the lives of New Yorkers decades later. He raises the question of whether Moses' legacy was having brought much needed modernization to New York or the destruction of the city by uprooting its communities and prioritizing the automobile over public transportation. He notes that Caro details how "Moses transformed New York in ways both progressive and backward, benign and cruel." Click on the link above to read the article.enMoses, RobertPoliticsUnited StatesThe Power Broker: Robert Moses and the Fall of New York by Robert Caro review – a landmark studyArticle