Butler, Isaac2019-10-262019-10-262019-10-21https://slate.com/culture/2019/10/steven-skybell-tevye-yiddish-fiddler-on-the-roof-interview.htmlAn interview with Steven Skybell, who played Tevye in the revival of "Fiddler on the Roof" in Yiddish, directed by Joel Gray. Skybell and Isaac Butler discuss the differences between the original production of "Fiddler" and the Yiddish version. They discuss the ironies of the themes in the play--the synagogue as a place of worship and refuge and the concept of asylum--in the context of rising anti-antisemitism. Click on the link to read the interview.enFiddler on the RoofTheater, Movies and TelevisionGrey, JoelSkybell, StevenYiddishUnited StatesGrey, JoelWhat it’s like to play Tevye—in Yiddish—at a time of increasing anti-SemitismArticle