Gaster, Theodor Hertzl2019-01-272019-01-271950Gaster, T. H. (1950). Purim and Hanukkah, in custom and tradition: Feast of Lots, Feast of Lights. New York: Schuman. this book (downloaded from the Internet Archive), Gaster argues that the two Jewish holidays of lights--the Spring holiday of Purim and the Fall holiday of Hanukkah--are linked together by the celebration of liberation.This book traces the development and significance of these holidays across generations. Gaster attempts in this book to sketch the history of these holidays, and at the same time, to describe the dynamic nature of their observances throughout the ages. Click on the icon to read the book.enReligionHolidaysPurimHanukkahUnited StatesPurim and Hanukkah in Custom and Tradition: Feast of Lots, Feast of LightsBook