Horn, Dara2020-07-182020-07-182020-02-10https://www.tabletmag.com/sections/arts-letters/articles/my-favorite-singer-brother-i-jAnn essay on the literary work of I J Singer, the brother of the I B Singer, the Nobel Prie winner in the literature. The author of this article writes, I'd "like to make the case for a writer I regard as a much better novelist, Bashevis’ older brother Israel Joshua Singer, whose early death 76 years ago today in New York took him out of the competition. Exhibit A is the elder Singer’s masterpiece, his monumental novel The Brothers Ashkenazi, first serially published in 1934-1935." Click on the link above to read the rest of this provocative article.enSinger, Israel JoshuaLiteratureNovelistsUnited StatesMy Favorite Singer Brother, I.J.Article