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Recent Submissions

Now showing 1 - 14 of 14
  • Item
    Judaism, Coronavirus, and Care: Judith Butler interviewed by Shmuly Yanklowitz
    (YouTube, 2020-04-07) Yanklowitz, Shmuly
    In this YouTube, Rabbi Dr. Shmuly Yanklowitz interviews Dr. Judith Butler about how her connection to Judaism has impacted her ethics and her work in generao including her work on gender theory for which she is best noted.. Click on the link above to listen to the interview. To read an article about Butler, click on the link below.
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    Judith Butler
    (Jewish Women's Archive, 2021-06-23) Kaplan, Brett Ashley
    This article discusses the life and work of philosopher and noted gender theorist, Judith Butler. It includes a lengthy discussion of how her ethics and beliefs--including her opposition to Zionism--flow from her Jewish education and her study of Jewish philosophy. Click on the link to read the article.
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    Fifty Years Later, Why Does ‘Eichmann in Jerusalem’ Remain Contentious?
    (Nw York Times, 2013-11-26) Kirsch, Adam; Galchen, Rivka
    Adam Kirsch and Rivka Galchen discuss why Hannah Arend't book remains controversial fifty years after it was written. Click on the link above to read the article.
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    Misreading ‘Eichmann in Jerusalem’
    (New York Times, 2013-07-07) Berkowitz, Roger
    An article discussing Hannah Arendt's famous and controversial book covering the trial of Adolf Eichmann, Eichmann in Jerusalem. Click on the link above to read the article.
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    Reflections on Violence: A Special Supplement (introductory paragraphs)
    (The New York Review of Books, 1969-02-27) Arendt, Hannah
    The introductory paragraphs of a New York Review of Books article by Hannah Arendt, in which she discusses the implications of the unprecedented degree of violence available to states, as of the mid-twentieth century, in addition to the use of violence as a political tool. Click on the link above to access.
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    Hannah Arendt
    (he Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, 2016-10-10) d'Entreves, Maurizio Passerin
    Article about Hannah Arendt in the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. The article discusses Arendt's philosophy and its applications to human activity. Includes a bibliography of Arendt's writings. Click on the link above to access.
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    Ruth Barcan Marcus, Philosopher-Logician, Dies at 90
    (New York Times, 2012-03-13) Fox, Margolit
    A biographical obituary of Ruth Barcan Marcus, a groundbreaking logician. Click on the link above to access the article.
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    Our Founder
    (New York Society for Ethical Culture, 2017) New York Society for Ethical Culture
    A brief biography of Felix Adler, the founder of the Ethical Culture movement.
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    Reasonable Doubt
    (, 2006-07-28) Goldstein, Rebecca; Brockman, John (editor)
    A short essay on the relevance of the Jewish philosopher Spinoza by Rebecca Goldstein, writer and philosopher. Click on the link above to access.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Ayn Rand First Interview 1959 ( Full)
    (No Free Lunch Distributors, 2016-02-16) Wallace, Mike
    A video of the first full interview with Ayn Rand, in which she discusses her philosophical principles with interviewer, Mike Wallace. It was retrieved from The Internet Archive ( It is in the Public Domain and has been identified as not being under copyright. It is covered by a Creative Commons License ( Click on the icon to access the interview.
  • ItemOpen Access
    (Project Gutenberg, 1998-03) Rand, Ayn
    A novel by Ayn Rand. Included here are both an epub and a plain text edition. Click on one of the icons to access the novel.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Atlas Shrugged
    (Digital Library of India (, 2015) Rand, Ayn
    Atlas Shrugged is one of Ayn Rand's best known novels. Originally published in 1957, the edition in this collection is the 35th Anniversary Edition, retrieved from the Internet Archive ( Introduction to this edition written by Leonard Peikoff. Click on the icon to read the book.
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    Philosopher, 65, Lectures Not About 'What Am I?' but 'What Is I?'
    (New York Times, 2006-01-28) McGrath, Charles
    A biographical essay on the philospher, Saul Kripke, in the New York Times. Click on the link above to access the article.
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    Ayn Rand
    (Jewish Virtual Library, 2017) Hyman, Paula (editor); Moore, Deborah Dash (editor)
    A short biography of Ayn Rand. Click on the link above to access it.